I finally won the LRC dice game!!! It's been a long time coming and just once I wanted to
come home with all those dollar's!! It can be a cruel cruel game and you can
come oh so close to winning and then the rug is just pulled out from under you!!
come home with all those dollar's!! It can be a cruel cruel game and you can
come oh so close to winning and then the rug is just pulled out from under you!!

to say goodbye to her!! LOL

She's so precious!!! The baby silly!!! Not me!!!

Even Ali Kate got into the baby loving before she went to sushi with her dad!!

I'm in love, I admit it. She is the most precious thing ever! Thanks for sharing, Tammy. She is amazing. As for Steph, Whoo hoo! I was so excited you won!! It was touch and go there for a while. But, YOU DID IT! The crowd Cheered! Friendships were saved. Great Moment! Congrats!
Okay, first thing...I am SOOO glad I rolled an L to get rid of my last $$$. I couldn't of lived with myself had I taken it from you :-)) And Baby Kendall is just too precious!!! I didn't get to hold her at Bunco...I'm having withdrawals!
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