Being the nice mom I am........I switched phones and sim cards with my son......He keep complaining about how horrible his cell phone was. Yes, I know that several of my readers are thinking right now in their heads "Well for being 12 years old he's just lucky to have one" but in all honestly is was a piece of poop. After I traded him phones I got to witness first hand the wonder of the poop.
Even people I talked to could hardly hear me and the phone just didn't work right. Also when I deleted a voicemail and pressed 7 like instructed it would speed dial one of Lexi's friends moms. I would hang up and I'm sure she thinks I'm crazy for crank calling her all the time. It's hard to dial or text cause the buttons are so small. It's no secret that I have space men thumbs and Shrek like fingers so it make it really really hard to dial and text. You know I love to text like a 14 year old girl !! hahahaha
So I bid on E-Bay for a Palm Treo....it's on it's way right now.....I'm super super excited and it came with all the extras and I can't wait to SYNC!!!!! Call me dorky but I love toys......So the best way to get ahold of me the next few days is my land line (HAHA who even has a land line anymore ?) or my e-mail at work or home. Talk to you soon....Palm Treo style!!!!
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