Friday, May 26, 2006


Look at this sweet face!!! How cute is she?

After we got home in the late afternoon from our doc appt I got to babysit little Kendall. Okay so techinally I posed her and made her take photos while her mom took Wolfie and Chase out to the motorcycle park to ride. Well Chase rode and I'm not sure what Wolfie did. I'm pretty sure he tried to find some reptiles to bring home.

Okay I thought my baby guurl was a pretty easy baby....Ken is a breeze. It's funny cause it instantly brought me back to when you have a 3 1/2 month old and the house is falling down around you. Being a type AAA it's hard to sit and just take in the moment...but being with Kendall Steffi Grace it's not hard at all.


Chef Deb said...

She is just too precious!! Lucky you to get to cuddle with her. I hope Tam brings her to Bunco next month!

Vicki said...

Lucky!! She just gets more beautiful by the day. Can't wait to see her again!