Wednesday, July 26, 2006

HELP ME......

I'm being held prisoner at the Apple Store!!! Wolfie and Justin are taking an iTUNES iPOD class and they require the parents to stay in the store for 2 1/2 hours....these guys are 11 1/2 and I have to stay here? What are they going to out of the store and get themselves lost? Throw the laptops on the floor and dance on them?

I have my laptop and will be surfing the blogs I read and answering any write me okay?


Twist of Kate said...

Ugh, my heart is with you. How strange that you have to stay make a good point, I mean really, what could they possibly do in there? Well good luck, hope it goes by fast! :)

Java Mom said...

thanks's almost over!! LOL Poor me...right? Stuck in the Apple store!!! LOL

Heather said...

Oh, I feel bad for you, that is a little wierd, maybe they had some kids actully do some of those things so now they make all the parents stay.