Monday, August 21, 2006


Okay I told my friend SJ Denim I was going to post photos of the blisters in the back of my heels. I took them but looking at them looked like photos from a sick crime scene. I'm all about laughing at myself but these were a little freaky.

Every day my little, soft like butter, tiny, elf like feet are getting more and more used to my "real" shoes for work. I found these great blister band aids and I'm slowly not walking like Frakenstein. If anyone can reccomend any super soft shoes that are enclosed on the front or back please leave me a comment.


Wink said...

Hey, dont know if my last comment went through or not.
I recommend Hushpuppies if you are looking for a comfortable shoe.

Also, you can get something called moleskin to put on your foot when you wear shoes that rub. The gals at work use it all the time.

3boysmom said...

You know, I actually have a COMFY pair of black Natural Soul (Mervyn's brand?)shoes. You should try them on!!

Vicki said...

I hope your elf like feet feel better real soon. It's just not right confining your feet like that! Can you wear sketchers? Mine are super comfy!