Thursday, October 05, 2006

What a week.....

A good week just busy. Lexi wants to take Gymnastics and Wolfie is starting guitar lessons. WOW!!! So that's girl scouts, Gymnastics, piano, guitar and basketball coming up. FUN!!! I'm co-coaching Lexi's basketball team and that should be a riot!!! I can't wait to yell "RIP IT RIP IT" hahaha just joking!!! Oh yeah Lexi also does Awana on Wed night. She loves Awana's and it's so cute to see how excited she gets when she comes home.

Lost was back on last night!! What a great and freaky show. It makes it all worth it cause Matthew Fox is on the show and it's like a Party of 5 re-run. It will be very interesting to see how it all plays out this season. Looks like he may have a new love interest on the horizon also....

The Office in on tonight right? Rob and I love that show. It's so funny and uncomfortable all that the same time. Oh yeah Survivor takes me a few weeks to get into it and find a favorite. I like Yul though. Cao Boi is something and we love to say his name around here. I get lots of headaches and could use the wind taken out of them!!

Okay so that's it for now. I didn't want to leave you all with the crazy coffee post.....

If you haven't checked out Wolfie's Reptile Blog go there now. He's doing a great job and is really into his animals and the blog thing right now. Don't be scared to leave a comment or two!!!
Here's Sahara. She's a beauty and a favorite of mine!!

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