Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Claim to Fame!!

When I was about 14 or 15 I went to Palm Springs with my Mom and Dad. My Dad was building a house down there and my mom and I just tagged along for fun. It was sooooo hot some days and over 110 degrees most days. It was almost to hot to even be in the pool. One day a guy approached me saying that he was a photographer and how would I like to be in a car ad? I know that your thinking YEAH RIGHT....but it was for real. It was me and these people that worked in the snack bar that got asked to be in the car ad.

We got dressed up in casual clothes and did our own hair and makeup. We met at this Mexican restaurant that's still there to this day. It took several hours and I got a check in the mail for a few hundred dollars for doing it. It was pretty fun. My parents had this cardboard ad in their garage and the last time I was over there pilfering things in the garage my dad told me to take it home. So anyway it's my claim to fame and I think it was the National Volkswagon Jetta ad for 1985. I took the photos in the summer of 1984.

P.S. Yeah I know that the Bean does not really like Jettas....but don't hate me!!! LOL


Mom2DraBrittGunn said...

Hey I drive a JETTA...and I love the Ad, I didn't know I knew a STAR! Can ya sign a copy please?!!!!

Java Mom said...

Yes I will have my agent send you a copy!!! LOL

Marilyn said...

Look at you! That's great! I'd totally forgotten this until I saw this post, but back in the...very early 70's? Mom and brother (he who lives in Dixon) were in a Ford (I think) commercial that was shot outside Eureka. :)