Thursday, July 27, 2006

Can I link you baby?

Okay so there are a few more blogs that I have started reading on a more daily basis......I just put them in my sidebar. Are their any rules to linking favorite blogs? Should you ask first? Is it okay to just link?

So if your name's there.....consider me asking....Can I link you baby????


LaFLor said...

you don't have to ask. in general. i don't. but i'd substutite that country name with smth else. <:) would that be ok?

Twist of Kate said...

Usually I just link them up. I think it's a pretty accepted form. Some people ask out of politeness, but I doubt most people would object. Otherwise why do they have a blog. Ya know?

Marilyn said...

I wasn't going to comment on blogrolls, although while I'm here I might as well. I recently deleted mine from my site. I read so many blogs and I was constantly trying to decide who to add, but worse, who to delete. (TypePad seems to cut the list off at 75.) And I read several blogs that don't feature blogrolls...readers can always find each other via the comments. (Of course it's harder when Blogger users only accept Blogger I hope you'll figure out who this is since my comment is going to direct you to one of my side blogs.) :)

But what I really wanted to say was that I saw your comment on Donna's fabulous live-blogging post about the digital photography session yesterday. Wasn't that post just amazing?! (I had commented, too.) I printed it out--so much to read! :)

How's life over there in my brother's town? I'm not at BlogHer (although a pal called me from there last night..."Are you sure you can't come down tonight for drinks?") :)

blackbird said...

link away...

Mary Tsao said...

A link is the Internet equivalent of currency so links are good things! Thanks for including me!

Link love is always appreciated...