Many years ago I met this guy from a small town. He wore cowboy boots on occasion , brown leather jacket, red and green tennis shoes and drove this really strange VW bug around. He was one of the nicest guys I had ever met and didn't quite know what to make of that........A nice guy? What a concept. It took me from November 88 to Valentines Day 89 to really figure out that he was the real deal.....
Rob never ever complained about getting up in the middle of the night or changing diapers. He was a great hands on dad when Wolfie and Lexi were babies. The first nights home from the hospital when Wolfie was born are some that I will always cherish. We were really overwhelmed with love, confusion on how to care for a baby and coming home with a c-section. Rob got up with me everytime Wolfie wanted to nurse, brought him to me and layed by me while he ate. It's times like those that I need to remember as him and our pre-teen are arguing over cleaning his room and taking care of his's the natural progression of life....
Rob loves to dress the kids in sweats and anything that's comfortable. Some of the combinations he comes up with are interesting but how can you fault someone for just wanting their kids to be comfortable.
As the kids grow older the patience that he had when they were babies gets tested a bit more. He really tries to be a great dad and does a great job. I like to keep him on his toes and sometimes just drop the balls in the air to see if he can catch them.......he catches most of them and if any of them fall he's just learned to let the other ones roll on.........
I love you Rob and hope you have a great Fathers Day!!!!!
Happy Father's Day Rob!! Hope it's a great day!! Love all the retro pics!
What a great tribute to Rob. I love the retro pictures too! Happy Fathers Day Rob!
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